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    2019-07-18 09:36 [风能]  来源于:离岸工程    作者:离岸工程
    导读:据7月15日消息,德国电网公司TenneT周一表示,今年1月至6月,德国北海风力发电场的发电量总计为9.51太瓦时(TWh),较2018年同期增长16%。 荷兰大型输电网络集团旗下的德国子公司TenneT表示,在过去6个月里,北海涡轮机的海上风力发电在德国近64太瓦时的风电总
      German North Sea Wind Power Output Rising
      Power production from German North Sea wind farms from January to June totaled 9.51 terawatt hours TWh), 16% more than in the same 2018 period, grid company TenneT GmbH said on Monday.
      TenneT, the German arm of the bigger Dutch transmission network group, said offshore wind from North Sea turbines had retained a 15% share of Germany's total wind power production of nearly 64 TWh in the six months.
      The company plays a key role in the sector because it is responsible for linking North Sea wind farms to onshore grids in the states of Lower Saxony and Schleswig Holstein.
      Its German North Sea connection capacity already outstrips that of existing wind parks and will grow to nearly 9 gigawatts GW by 2024 from 6.2 GW in 2018, it said.
      The government has a target of 6.5 GW national offshore capacity by 2020, and wind park operators had constructed 5.6 GW of wind generation turbines by the end of June.
      TenneT operates platforms and converter stations to turn direct current electricity from the offshore turbines into alternating current used in onshore power systems.
      TenneT's investments are refinanced by grid fee income that is collected from power consumers as part of their bills.
      The Berlin government's offshore target, part of its renewable energy plan to move to a low carbon economy, also counts in more modestly sized plants in the Baltic Sea.


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